Sunday, July 29, 2007

Diez del País

Emese's Mexico Top Ten

10) Where the streets have few names. Every city and pueblocito has a street called Juarez. Other Mexican favs: Hidalgo, Independencia, Constitución, Lazaro Cardenas, Alvaro Obregon. When that doesn't cover every block, there are dates and saints.

9) Loudspeakers. And I mean loud. In town plazas, in storefronts, strapped to the top of cars, there are voices, advertisements, and music blaring within earshot at every hour in every city and pueblo.

8) Pemex. The government owned gas stations and the only option in Mexico. "Lleno con Magna por favor!" Basically, fillerup! We repeated this sentence so many times, we dream it.

7) Change? No! Never! No one has change. This is a rule, not an exception. Hotels, stores, taxi drivers, newsstands - no one keeps change.

6) Topes! You could call them speed bumps, but they're more like speed hills. If you're not driving one of México's excellent toll roads (cuotas) you will ride the bumps. Vibradores are a variation - imagine a series of ruts that vibrate so hard, they could shake loose change from a Mexican newsstand vendor. Often unofficially constructed by local communities to slow traffic down through their pueblos and attract attention to various items for sale, presented at your car window.

5) Stray dogs. I wanted to adopt every one I saw, but there wasn't enough room in El Cuervo, according to Doug. Besides, there was another to adore around every corner.

4) Tradition. Especially the religous practices of the indegionous people of Chamula, Chiapas. Nothing to compare it to. Amazing!

3) Cities. The best, hands-down: Guanajuato (tunnels and colors), Mexico City (big-city feel, alive!), San Cristóbal de las Casas (beautiful, inside and out).

2) Landscapes. And beachscapes and mountainscapes, oh my! Driving through the heart of them is a great way to see them, and Mexico has no end of beauty. Favorites: Baja cacti forests, La Paz beaches, the tranquil Sea of Cortez, San Blas wetlands, Guadalajara's Blue Agave fields, the Chiapas highlands, Palenque's jungle and blue waters.

1) Food. We never ate so well - inlcluding the worms, larvae, and crickets in Mexico City. After living on Mexican food for 6 weeks, I still have cravings for it. Favorites: Baja fish tacos, pollo con mole, enchiladas con salsa verde, tamales, huevos rancheros, or estrellados, and salsa picante and jalapeños with every meal. And drinks! Liquados (fruit smoothies), aguas (just fruit, water, and sugar), and margaritas (though an American invention, the Mexican bartenders are craftsmen). I swear the tiny glass bottles of Coca-Cola taste different, and they're the only ones I like. Cafe Oaxaqueño (with cinnamon sticks). Deee-licioso!

Viva México!


Anonymous said...

Hi Doug & Emese,

I love it! I eagerly wait for the next installment. Vaya Con Dios,

Ben Agin

Anonymous said...

LOVE THE PICS! And, I'm not a huge reader, so the top ten was great! haha. miss you Em and it is great to check in on your trip once in a while...I'll be in Brazil from aug 6 - 26. I doubt you'll be that far, but let me know if you are!! caio!
Sarah Behm